Start the darn thang


Inside I am screaming because I am typing my first official blog post. I just finished watching Season 3 of Bridgerton, and if you’ve seen it you can imagine my excitement and enthusiasm, as I’m feeling like Lady Whistledown right now (if you know, you know). I’ve written many-a-thing-- most notably, poems, articles, and essays-- but to finally be writing a blog for nothing other than my pleasure is a dream come true. Literally… just the act of writing alone is gratifying. 

Let me continue by introducing myself. I have a few names, and you can call me whichever one you like. My legal name is Brandy Simpkins; I was also given the name Amiru (meaning “Ruler” and “treetop”) at birth; and my stage name is Miss Brandywine. Just like you, I am the dust of the earth animated by an immortal soul granted from infinite Creation. I cherish Being in nature to remind me of this truth. I am gifted at choreographing language to speak to whomever chooses to listen. I am a woman or “womb-man”-- the real kind that cannot be forgotten or replaced. I tend to be internally analytical, externally easygoing, amusing, passionate, optimistic, and honest. I am a Capricorn mother of a beautiful one-year-old Gemini daughter, and a genuine lover in close, intimate relationships with my favorite like-hearted souls. 

I love to read books that promote wellness on all levels. This includes books like Thich Nhat Hanh’s “Peace is Every Step” AND Tony Morrison’s “Song of Solomon." I enjoy holding deep conversations for hours in comely, little cafes with local art hanging on the walls and a mug in my hand, sipping matcha or a black tea latte. I enjoy bike riding and skating (though I’m not good at it, yet). I also enjoy drawing (which I am pretty good at), singing, and dancing in judgment-free spaces. And that’s not all, but I won’t share everything all at once. I have to save something interesting for my next blog.*winks* ;)

If you made it this far, thank you for being here. I am writing these words to share myself with you. I trust that in this, you will find a little bit of yourself here, too, and, in that, we can connect in a way that makes life feel the way it’s supposed to: like love and connection. 

Signed a highly enthusiastic, new blogger, always-writer,

Miss Brandywine

P.s. I’m still internally screaming because I am so glad I finally started this darn thang! 


Me :)


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