
Showing posts from July, 2024

My Own Way. Part 1

My Own Way Part 1 On July 7, 2024, I was baptized for the second time in my life thus far. Interestingly enough, I am not a Christian woman, and the baptism was not a Christian ceremony. I must admit, before the baptism, I was afraid to speak this boldly on my “spiritual” journey (as some would call it). Right now, I feel like I’m coming out of the spiritual closet, though many who have observed me over the last few years may have guessed already that I do not follow the predominant faith of my country, America.  I would love to write a blog detailing my experience before and during and the revelations after the baptism, but I cannot seem to jump straight in at such an intimate and integral part of my story without you having some background knowledge of what my way of life is and what led me there in the first place. I’ll begin with what led me there. My childhood was disproportionately split between two different belief systems: Nuwabu and Christianity. Both of my parents were raised